03 agosto 2006

Humor rima com dor

Como falar com humor daquilo que nos provocou dor suficiente para modificar nossa forma de ver o mundo? Walta Borawski percebeu uma nesga de luz nessas névoas pesadas dos sentimentos feridos de todos nós!

"English was only a second language..."

English was only a second
language, never second nature
to my maternal grandfather. He

would shout the heavy
fragments of sentence:
Money! Under! Mattress!

He didn't trust banks, he
knew that here in America
we hide things. When I

was 15 he wanted to see me
with my pants down I took
them off in his toolshed

He ran his fingers across
my pubic hair & said
Ah! Moustache! That year

he died & I began
looking for other men who'd
take this sort of interest

but it's never been the same
with the proper sentences.

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

Olá vim visitar o seu blog, gostei, mas não entendo ingles
Bom final de semana..