Os poetas são antenados mesmo, no sentido de que captam tudo que acontece e acontecerá neste mundo e em outros que talvez existam. Escrito nos anos 10(1910's), este poema de D.H. Lawrence 'pressupõe um rompimento dramático com quase tudo que a cultura recente admite ser verdade'. Ouvindo o que acontece na Rússia, Israel, Palestina, África subsaariana, é de se pensar: onde estão as pessoas como esta?
Peace and War
People always make war when they say they love peace.
The loud love of peace makes one quiver more than any battlecry.
Why should one love peace?it is so obviously vile to make war.
Loud peace propaganda makes war seem imminent.
It is a form of war, even, self-assertion and being wise for other people.
Let people be wise for themselves. And anyhow
nobody can be wise except on rare occasions, like getting married or dying.
It's bad taste to be wise all the time, like being at a perpetual funeral.
For everyday use, give me somebody whimsical, with not too much purpose in life,
then we shan't have war, and we needn't talk about peace.
04 julho 2007
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