22 junho 2007

Thom Gun

Já postei, agora mais um...

Rites of Passage

Something is taking place.
Horns bud bright in my hair.
My feet are turning hoof.
And Father, see my face
-Skin that was damp and fair
is barklike and, feel, rough.

See Graytop how I shine.
I rear, break loose, I neigh
snuffing the air, and harden
Toward a completion, mine.
And next I make my way
Adventuring through your garden.

My lay is earnest now.
I canter to and fro.
My blood, it is like light.
Behind an almond bough,
Horns gaudy with its snow,
I wait live, out of sight.

All planned before my birth
for you, Old Man, no other,
Whom your groin's trembling warns.
I stamp upn the earth
a message to my mother
and then I lower my horns.

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