04 julho 2008

Barack e a Aids

A declaração do então senador:

“We can’t ignore the fact that abstinence and fidelity, although the
ideal, may not always be the reality — that we’re dealing with flesh
and blood men and women and not abstractions, and that if condoms and,
potentially, things like microbicides, can prevent millions of deaths,
then they should be made more widely available. Let me say this loud
and clear: I don’t think that we can deny that there is a moral and
spiritual component to prevention, that in too many places all over the
world where HIV/AIDS is prevalent — including, by the way, right here
in the United States — the relationship between men and women, between
sexuality and spirituality, has broken down, and needs to be repaired.”

–U.S. Senator Barack Obama, speaking to a California evangelical group.


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